Understanding tactile therapy can help ensure your child becomes self-sufficient and socially integrated.
Without intervention, sensory processing issues can lead to more significant challenges in daily life.
Tactile sensory therapy helps children learn to respond appropriately to touch sensations, enhancing their sensory processing skills.
Child comfortably explores various textures (e.g., sand, play dough, different fabrics) without becoming distressed. Handles everyday tactile experiences (wearing clothes, washing hands) calmly and adapts easily to new tactile sensations. Appears curious and engaged during hands-on activities, showing minimal aversion to touching or being touched.
Child is somewhat sensitive to certain textures or sensations (e.g., may resist sticky or messy materials) but can participate with gentle encouragement. Occasionally withdraws or shows mild discomfort if unexpectedly touched or when encountering unfamiliar tactile stimuli (e.g., rough fabric). Improves with preparation, reassurance, or slight modifications (e.g., letting them touch something with a tool first).
Child displays strong aversion or distress to everyday touch experiences (e.g., vigorously avoiding certain clothing, becoming upset when hands get dirty). May have intense reactions (crying, pulling away, meltdown) to seemingly minor tactile contact or unexpected touch. Requires specialized strategies or professional support to manage significant tactile sensitivities and maintain functional participation.
Pinnacle Blooms Network unit of Bharath Healthcare Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. - World's #1 Autism Therapy Centers Network Successfully Delivered 6.3Million+ Exclusive 1:1 Therapy Services with 97%+ Measured Proven Improvement Rate.
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