At Pinnacle Blooms, we specialize in early and accurate assessments for children with autism and developmental disorders.
Autism affects both boys and girls, although it is more commonly diagnosed in boys.
We recommend assessing children as young as 9 months to ensure timely interventions.
Each personalized assessment typically takes about 1-2 hours.
Sleep and Restlessness: Child falls asleep easily, sleeps through the night, and wakes up feeling rested and ready for the day. Maintains a consistent bedtime routine and transitions smoothly into sleep. Shows minimal restlessness during sleep, such as tossing or turning, allowing for restorative rest.
Sleep and Restlessness: Child occasionally struggles to fall asleep or wakes up during the night but can return to sleep with reassurance. Displays some restlessness during sleep (e.g., tossing, mild movements) but wakes up reasonably rested. Benefits from a structured bedtime routine and calming strategies, such as reading or quiet time, to improve sleep quality.
Sleep and Restlessness: Child frequently struggles to fall asleep, wakes up multiple times during the night, or has difficulty staying asleep for extended periods. Experiences significant restlessness during sleep, such as excessive tossing, turning, or disruptive movements, resulting in poor rest. Wakes up tired or irritable, indicating a need for professional evaluation or interventions to establish healthy sleep patterns.
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By 1,600+ Fulltime, Permanent, Certified, Qualified, Proven, Multi-Sensory, Multi-Disciplinary, Integrated Autism Therapy Experts empowering kids across 100+ Pinnacle Blooms Network Centers Spread PAN India, Abroad.
Innovated, Built and Lead by Mothers for Kids, Parents, Families, Employed 70%+ Fe-Male Co-Workers, Pinnacle Blooms Network unit of Bharath Healthcare Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. is the world's #1 Safe Secure Autism Therapy Centes Network for your kid, you, your family.
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